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Shelley L. Ross
Watercolour Artist

SRoss Wild Ginger.JPG


​Shelley Ross is a self-taught watercolour artist inspired by the beauty of nature. Sometimes her focus is on the big picture... the landscape. Sometimes her focus is on minute detail... flowers, fungi and lichens. She strives for a balance between realism and abstraction to capture the essence of a subject's inner beauty and emotion.​

I love the transparency of watercolours..  In my paintings, I use, at most, six or seven colours.  I lay a wash down, let it dry, then, on the same area, overlay another wash or glaze of a different colour.  All of the colours I use are transparent so the underlying colour shines through the one above creating a unique iridescent glow.  A section of painting may have as many as five to six glazes depending on the colour and value I want to achieve.

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